JERRY DAY'S Live Presentation on CONTRACTS
This page contains footnotes, links and reference for Jerry Day's live presentation on the secrets of contracts.

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This 45-minute live presentation explains what we are not supposed to know, that contracts are SUPERIOR to law, and how contracts have been used to enslave, entrap and exploit all of us by government, corporations, employers, membership organizations and even apps on our phones.
The main focus of the presentation is how WE can use contracts to reverse the power game AGAINST those institutions. It is just a matter of understanding how contracts are used.

THE POWER OF PAPER refers to the ways government and corporations entrap us, and how we may use THE SAME instuments to deter them. It becomes far more difficult for them to cheat us when we use the EXACT SAME devices which they use against us. We are usually cheated when some agency gets us into a contract when we do not really consent, do not understand the contract, or do not realize we are entering a contract at all. They have made it possible to do this to us, and they have therefore made it possible for us to do that to them. It is usually quite easy to "turn the tables" this way because they are generally unprepared to deal with their tactics in reverse. This presentation covers some of those methods and tactics.

Ask the questions, "How did I become obligated to this?" "Where is the authority to require this?" The answer is usually BY CONTRACT. Any contract can be revoked, rescinded, revised and/or refused, if done properly.

DISCLAIMER: WHILE THIS PRESENTATION OFFERS POWERFUL PRINCIPLES, IT IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE AND CAN PROMISE NO RESULTS. It is important to note that when criminals use contracts, they cheat. When those criminals are in government, they get away with cheating. Cheating means they enforce contracts and regulations against you and do not honor contract terms and regulations which apply to them. This means that you can lose even when you know the law, apply the law, or when a court renders a ruling. Millions of Americans have been cheated by their own government, police, lawyers, judges, bureaucrats and politicians. The Grand Jury sytem and the Attorney General positions were created to indict and prosecute corrupt public officials, agencies and actions. Such prosecutions are no longer undertaken to any adequate extent. In other words, for many decades, we have had little deterrent against public corruption, and things are now far beyond repair. None the less, when you understand certain basic principles of contracts and written instruments, you have a major advantage.

All download documents referred to in the presentation are available on these two web pages:



The Power Of Paper, Youtube video 2010, Jerry Day presents.

Solari Report, Video, April 2021, Catherine Austin Fitts interviews Jerry Day on documents offered on his web site to protect against vaccine hazards with discussion on a variety of other topics.
Solari Report Interview with Jerry Day.

Solari Report, (select the "Employer & Scool Forms" tab) free download documents to require employers, schools and colleges to take full liability for all risks, harm and damages caused by Covid-19 injections.
Solari Report Download Forms

Information on vaccine deaths and injuries was drawn from many sources for this presentation, however, negative information about vaccines and Covid-19 fraud is heavily censored on mainstream media and officially reported statistics are massively falsified with deaths and injuries downplayed ridiculously. Fortunately, as of this writing, Bitchute is largely uncensored and there are many videos which discuss vaccine deaths and injuries and those videos lead to credible papers and articles of same. Go to Bitchute.com and enter, for example, the search term "vaccine deaths" to see a wide selection of sources and videos.

Video, Medical Experts Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Carrie Madej Discuss vaccine risks:
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Carrie Madej

Video, Five Medical Experts discuss the risks of Covid-19 "vaccines". VIDEO

Video, Dr. Ryan Cole, addressing Idaho legislature, exposes mainstream misinformation about Covid-19 and explains the importance and efficacy of Ivermectin and Vitamin D therapies.VIDEO.

List of some possible contract/notice titles and purposes:
Notice of Liability, Notice of Claim, Cease and Desist, Definition of Terms, Declaration of Rights and Status, Notice of Fraud, Demand for Demonstration of Legal Authority (also known as challenge to jurisdiction), Decline of Offer, Notice of Violation of Law and/or Rights, Notice of No Consent, Notice of Violation, Notice of Default... there are many more, this is just to help you imagine possible ways you can establish your authority with a written notice.

The concept of "Acquiescence by Silence" is, in my view (JD), a corrupt principle and mechanism by which everyone is repeatedly fooled and trapped into "contracts" and "obligations" without their affirmative consent simply because they failed to respond to some offer or presentment. The principle of Acquiescence by Silence is explained in detail at this web page: Acquiescence by Silence ("Doctrine of Acquiescence").

UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. Most State, Federal and International laws regulating commerce are based on the Uniform Commercial Code. In order to manage commerce accross many jurisdictions, this code is basically copy/pasted into legislation and policy instruments all over the world. Uniform Commercial Code.

United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1, almost unbelievable, this is the clause in the U.S. Constitution that makes contract SUPERIOR TO LAW! This creates the premise that someone can violate your rights if it can be construed that you give them permission to do so. This is how government believes it may violate Constitutional and legal protections of individuals, by arrogantly "presuming" that we agreed to be violated. Without this superiority of contracts and presumption of consent, "income tax", for example, would not be possible.

IRS Form 14402, "Reduction in Civil Penalties to $500.00"

Questions for your bank manager: "What would you do if a criminal walked in your bank and told you to give him money out of my account?" "What if that crminal happened to be an employee of the IRS?"

Video, Pediatrician Dr. Larry Palevsky explains that Covid-19 injections are not "vaccines." VIDEO

Nuremberg Code, International Law requiring that medical treatments be consensual. WEB PAGE

American Community Survey, an unconstitutional surveillance program conducted every year by the Census Bureau. Free download form at FreedomTaker.com for presentation to Census Worker. Document refuses unlawful surveillance. Scroll down and find the yellow background box in the right-hand column.